加拿大多伦多大学Ryan K.C. Yuen教授应邀来广东省智能院做学术报告

近日,广东省智能科学与技术研究院(以下简称“广东省智能院”)学术报告会在2304会议室举行,加拿大多伦多大学Ryan K.C. Yuen教授应邀作题目为“Genome-wide DNA repeats expand our understanding of complex diseases”的学术报告。报告会由石云研究员主持,广东省智能院师生代表共80余人参加了报告会。

随后,Ryan K.C. Yuen教授介绍了他的实验室在全基因组DNA重复序列在复杂疾病中的作用,Ryan K.C. Yuen教授的报告专业而生动,广东省智能院师生积极参与提问互动,现场反响热烈。



Ryan K.C. Yuen教授简介:Dr. Ryan Yuen is a Senior Scientist in Genetics & Genome Biology Program at The Hospital for Sick Children, and an Associate Professor in Department of Molecular Genetics at the University of Toronto. His research focuses on how genetic variations contribute to human health, with the goal of developing gene discovery strategies that result in more effective diagnostic approaches and better treatments for diseases. In particular, his group has recently developed new strategies to investigate tandem repeat expansions in complex disorders. His work has been published in high impact research journals such as Nature, Cell, Science, Nature Genetics and Nature Medicine. His work has been cited over 13,000 times and he has a h-index of 42. He has been invited to review more than 100 manuscripts for journals such as New England Journal of Medicine, Nature Neuroscience and Nature Communications. To recognize his contribution to the field, he has received multiple awards such as SickKids Catalyst Scholar in Genetics Award, Future Leader in Canadian Brain Research, and Ontario Early Researcher Award.



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