Email: yxhuan@@gdiist.cn
环宇翔,研究员,类脑计算架构与超大规模处理系统研究组组长,类脑计算系统研究中心主任。曾于复旦大学取得微电子学与固体电子学博士学位,先后任复旦大学信息科学与工程学院任助理研究员、广东省智能科学与技术研究院副研究员、研究员。环宇翔博士长期围绕领域专用处理架构(Domain-Specific Architecture, DSA)的芯片系统设计和领域应用开展研究,重点聚焦于从芯片到系统的分布式互联处理架构和设计方法的研究,包括可重构可扩展架构的领域专用处理器、深度学习模型的高能效加速和分布式处理、神经拟态专用集成电路和超大规模类脑计算系统等。环宇翔博士在智能院工作期间,带领团队完成了超大规模类脑原型验证系统的研制、多尺度可扩展的类脑智能计算芯片研制。其主持和参与了多项国家级和省部级项目,已累计发表学术论文40余篇,申请发明专利20余项。
[1] J. Xu, J.Fan, B. Nan, C. Ding, L. Zheng, Z. Zou, Y. Huan*, "ASLog: An Area-Efficient CNN Accelerator for Per-Channel Logarithmic Post-Training Quantization," in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 2023. (SCI,通信作者)
[2] H. Jia#, Y. Huan#*; C. Ding, Y. Yan, J. Cui, J. Wang, C. Cai, L. Xu, Z. Zou*, L. Zheng*, "ASLog: An Area-Efficient CNN Accelerator for Per-Channel Logarithmic Post-Training Quantization," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2022. (SCI,共同一作,共同通信作者)
[3] C. Ding#, Y. Huan#*, H. Jia, Y. Yan, F. Yang, L. Liu, M. Shen, Z. Zou and L.R. Zheng, "A Hybrid-Mode On-Chip Router for the Large-Scale FPGA-Based Neuromorphic Platform," in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 2022. (SCI,共同一作,共同通信作者)
[4] B. Huang#, Y. Huan#*, H. Jia, C. Ding, Y. Yan, B. Huang, L.R. Zheng, and Z. Zou, "AIOC: An All-In-One-Card Hardware Design for Financial Market Trading System," in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2022. (SCI,共同一作,共同通信作者)
[5] Y. Jin, B. Huang, Y. Yan; Y. Huan*, J. Xu, S. Li, P. Gope, L. Xu, Z. Zou, and L.R. Zheng, "Edge-based Collaborative Training System for Artificial Intelligence-of-Things," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2022. (SCI,共同通信作者)
[6] B. Huang#, Y. Huan#*, H. Chu, J. Xu, L.R. Zheng, and Z. Zou, “IECA: An In-Execution Configuration CNN Accelerator With 30.55 GOPS/mm² Area Efficiency,” in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 2021. (SCI,共同一作,通信作者)
[7] J. Xu#, Y. Huan#, B. Huang, H. Chu, Y. Jin, L.R. Zheng, Z. Zou, “A Memory-Efficient CNN Accelerator Using Segmented Logarithmic Quantization and Multi-Cluster Architecture,” in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2020. (SCI,共同一作)
[8] Y. Huan, N. Ma, J. Mao, S. Blixt, Z. Lu, Z. Zou and L. R. Zheng, “A 101.4 GOPS/W Reconfigurable and Scalable Control-Centric Embedded Processor for Domain-Specific Applications,” in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 2016. (SCI)
[9] Y. Jin, J. Cai, J. Xu, Y. Huan*, Y. Yan, B. Huang, Y. Guo, L.R. Zheng, Z. Zou, “Self-aware distributed deep learning framework for heterogeneous IoT edge devices,” Future Generation Computer Systems, 2021. (SCI,通信作者)
[10] W. Li, H. Chu, B. Huang, Y. Huan*, L.R. Zheng, Z. Zou, “Enabling on-device classification of ECG with compressed learning for health IoT,” Microelectronics Journal, 2021. (SCI,通信作者)
[11] J. Xu#, Y. Huan#, B. Huang, H. Chu, Y. Jin, L.R. Zheng, Z. Zou, “Base-Reconfigurable Segmented Logarithmic Quantization and Hardware Design for Deep Neural Networks,” in Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 2020. (SCI,共同一作)
[12] Y. Huan, J. Xu, L. Zheng, H. Tenhunen and Z. Zou, “A 3D Tiled Low Power Accelerator for Convolutional Neural Network,” 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Florence, Italy, 2018. (EI)